CO2 emissions [kg/kWh] for the german electricity mix for 2023
First select a year, then klick on a month and a day, and you will see the CO2 emissions displayed as a 3-day diagram, as well as the electricity price. Through sustainable behavior you can save energy costs.
source: a month
= 0 kg CO2/kWh
= 0,0 .. 0,1 kg CO2/kWh
= 0,1 .. 0,2 kg CO2/kWh
= 0,2 .. 0,3 kg CO2/kWh
= 0,3 .. 0,4 kg CO2/kWh
= 0,4 .. 0,5 kg CO2/kWh
= 0,5 .. 0,6 kg CO2/kWh
= > 0,6 kg CO2/kWh
November 2023
Select a day
3 day-view 19.11.2023
I am interested in the electricity plan CO2-saver
I am interested in an electricity plan CO2-saver,
which reduces my electricity costs if my behaviour is sustainable.
The electricity price was designed with a carbon
pricing of 400 Euros/ tn CO2
How to read the diagram:
- In 2018 2018, assuming a fixed base rate of
10ct/kWh, the average electricity price was
28ct/kWh, varying from 16ct/kWh (sustainable)
.to 36ct/kWh (high CO2 emissions)
- In 2019 the average electricity price is reduced to
25ct/kWh, due to a more sustainable mix in the
electricity grid.
- In 2021, the power grid became worse again. Der Mittelwert war 0,41 kg_CO2/kWh. Zum Vergleich: 0,45 (2018) | 0,39 (2019) | 0,35 (2020). It all depends on WHEN you get your electricity from the grid.
Wir sind überzeugt:
sustainable = economically feasible.
More sustainable electricity in the grid means
lower electricity costs.
DiThe hourly CO2 emissions for the electricity
mix are a result of the electricity generation
from the respective energy sources, prepared
and verified for consistency by Prof. Bruno
Burger (Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Solare
Energiesysteme ISE,
To determine the hourly CO2 emissions caused
by the electricity mix we have used the following
CO2 equivalents
- solar: 0,068 kg CO2 / kWh
- wind: 0,010 kg CO2 / kWh
- seasonal storage: 0,000 kg CO2 / kWh
- pump storage: 0,026 kg CO2 / kWh
- hydropower: 0,000 kg CO2 / kWh
- biomass: 0,276 kg CO2 / kWh
- other: 0,000 kg CO2 / kWh
- gas: 0,428 kg CO2 / kWh
- oil: 0,830 kg CO2 / kWh
- coal: 0,953 kg CO2 / kWh
- lignite: 1,059 kg CO2 / kWh
- nuclear power: 0,068 kg CO2 / kWh
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